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Sananga "Must Knows"

March 03, 2023

Sananga "Must Knows"

So your sananga has arrived and maybe you have got some questions. Here let's take a moment and go over some important things you may need to know prior to working with this medicine. 

Welcome to the beautiful world of Sananga. This is an Amazonian Plant medicine that comes from the root of a plant. It is grown, harvested, and prepared in Brazil by the Yawanawa tribe. It has been worked with for centuries in indigineous

communities of South America. It has been known to decalcify the pineal gland, support vision, clean panema (negative energy), and strengthen the central nervous system. It goes into the eyes and there are just a few things you need to know before working with this plant.

1. First and foremost you need to know that this medicine does burn when it goes into the eyes. This is normal and all apart of the experience. It can sometimes feel a bit like putting acid into your eyes. Lean into the experience and remember your BREATH.

2. You can serve yourself this medicine but you will want to lean your head back and with your eyes closed place one drop in the corner of each eye. From there enforce your eyes to open with your hands and blink a few times. You will feel the burn of the medicine. From there keep your eyes closed and immediately focus on your breath.

3. As it works on your nervous system it is important to allow allow ALLOW. So stay calm, keep focusing on your breath and relax your body to allow the medicine to work on you and open you.

4. YOU CAN DILUTE THIS MEDICINE. If it is too strong you can dilute the medicine with a little bit of distilled water. The more diluted the less intense the burn and the shorter the experience will be.

5. Sananga burns for about 10 minutes so make sure to set aside 10-20 minutes to sit and be with this medicine. Put on some soothing music as you work with it.

6. When the medicine first comes into the eyes your attention will want to be entirely on your eyes. Try to come into the more subtle sensations of your body. Out of your eyes and deep breaths focused on relaxing the body and breathing into your belly.

7. Lean into the sensations and feelings happening in the body. Allow them as the medicine does it’s work.

8. You can sit with this medicine every day or even twice a day. In the morning allows for a clean and refreshing start to your day. If worked with at night it can help you enter into the dream world with a bit more clarity and openings.

9. Give yourself a place and space to do this in a quiet space of solitude.

10. SET AN INTENTION. This medicine will work with your prayers and intentions set. So have a little conversation with the medicine. Call in the spirit of sananga and help direct the medicine through your intentions. Why are you working with it? Do you need some insight into a particular aspect of your life? Be open to this conversation with yourself. The answers will come in your own silence and surrender.

DO NOT WORK WITH THIS MEDICINE IF: you are pregnant, have had very recent eye surgery, or have any cuts or abrasions on your eyes. I AM NOT A DOCTOR. So use medicine at your own risk. You are responsible for your own journey and healing.

I have worked with this medicine for 5 years and experienced amazing things. This medicine may not be for everyone though. Amazonian plant medicines tend not to be…. These medicines activate many things within us. They show us ourselves, our courage, our strength, and help to ground us and bring us back into balance. Enjoy the journey! If you have questions feel free to message me on FB, Insta, etc.




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