7 Herbs/Plantas Hape' (Rape')- Discovery of Self and Connection to Spirit
7 Herbs/Plantas Hape'/Rape' Blend
Prepared by: Puyanawa Tribe from Brazil
Sansara, Pixuri, Alfavaca, Lourinho, Eucalipto, Tipi, Juca'
Strength: Medium
This blend is a traditional one to many different tribes of the Amazon. The herbs may differ a bit from place to place but done similarly and ritualistically. It can be worked with to help ease anxiety and sooth the nervous system. It will help to bring balance and harmony back to the body and spirit. It is a blend that helps support the discovery of oneself by broadening your connection to positive energy, love, and the divine. It can be a great friend and tool during difficult parts of ceremony and can help open planes for astral travel. It will connect you to the whole and to higher spirit while simultaneously unlocking all energy channels. Work with 7 herbs to expand consciousness and liberate the emotional body. Also good for blood circulation.
Important to Know About Hape'
Hape' is a plant medicine meant to be worked with in prayer and reverence to our plant teachers. It is a plant medicine that has been worked with by the indigineous Amazonian people's for thousands of years. This hape' recipes are prepared by the tribes themselves and are thousands of years old. The medicine is made with intention and prayers holding great energy to support those called to work with this kind of plant medicine.
Most hape' blends do have nicotina in them. These plants has been worked with by our indigineous teachers as a way to connect to the spirit world. This plant is the communicator and translator between us and spirit. When we work with it we are offering our prayers to spirit. Meaning it is important to be present in our thoughts and intentions when in the presence of working with this master plant.
So being aware of this before working with hape' is very important. Although many report to have worked with hape' to help build a healthier relationship with nicotina.
Hape' is not for everyone. It is only for those who resonate with it's teachings and have a desire to learn from the spirit of this plant in an ethical and reverent way.
You can find more info on hape' as well as how to self administer and set up a sacred space to sit with this medicine intentionally and mindfully here.
****DISCLAIMER: Must be 21 years or older to work with this plant medicine or purchase it. Do NOT work with hape' if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you have a sensitivity or allergy to nicotina or other plants here do not work with hape'. Use at your own risk. You are responsible for your own journey with this plant medicine.